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10 Tips to Optimize Ketosis #3

My third tip for getting into and maintaining ketosis is easy:
Although it’s the lowered level of carbohydrate that actually gets you into ketosis, it’s the fat that sustains you enough to keep you there. So, it bears mentioning that eating a very low-carb diet does not mean that you should skimp on the quantity and quality of the fats that you are eating. You do yourself a terrible disservice if you are keeping good fats low. High quality fats are the backbone for making new cells and brain tissue, establishing neurotransmitters, balancing hormones and aiding most bodily functions.
Focus on getting as high of quality fats as possible. Think whole, non-processed food choices with lots of omega-3, like grass-fed meats and their drippings, wild fish, cold-pressed olive oil, grass-fed butter, avocado and its oil, etc. Consuming low quality things like most vegetable and seed oils, processed "cheese" (like those little shrink-wrapped squares), and other frankenfoods do nothing good for you in terms of health and sustainability.
75-80% of your diet comes from the fat macronutrient alone, so quality matters! Choosing high quality fats will prevent much of the hunger and cravings that drive the kind of poor food choices that interrupt ketosis.
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